Wouldn’t you love to be warm and snug during the holiday season? Energy bills are at an all time high and that can seem impossible. However, it’s not. With a few simple tricks, you could have a warm home without spending an absolute fortune. Not just that; you could alsoRead More →

There are things in the world that you’ve probably never heard of. If you’ve heard of them, it could be from movies and popular culture of the 60s, 70s or earlier. The same is going to happen with your children and future generations. In time, these items will no longerRead More →

Children tend to hit when they are younger. It could be that they’ve seen you do it, even just a slight tap for fun, or it may be their only way to letting you know that they’re frustrated. They don’t mean to hurt and aren’t doing it maliciously most ofRead More →

Wouldn’t you love a more productive lifestyle? This isn’t about working harder but working smarter. You will get more done throughout the day, within the same amount of hours as before. There’s no need to rush your jobs and stay late Friday night to take the weekend off, or feelRead More →

Winter is just around the corner; for some it may feel like it’s here already. The cold weather brings a number of driving problems that you need to look out for. It’s important to drive safe, otherwise you’re putting others and yourself at risk; let alone your license. Check outRead More →

I think it is save to say that any hope of an Indian summer is long gone and it it time to get used to the fact that we have a long cold winter ahead of us. Months of that awful misty rain that chills you to the bone hoursRead More →

When shopping for Christmas gifts this season, you want to get in and get out. If you’ve not decided what you’ll buy, you may need to browse, but you’re opening yourself up to some of the many traps that shopping malls set so you spend more. Here are some ofRead More →