Find a Mum and Baby Group
All cities and towns have a mum and baby group, no matter how small it is. Many of these groups will have children up to nursery age there and supply toys for babies of all ages to play with. They are run by mums for mums and are a great way to get out of the house, socialise and encourage your children to play with others.
Find Other Baby Groups in the Area
Mum and baby playgroups aren’t the only option. Take a look at all the other baby groups in the area, including nursery rhyme groups, bibles studies and baby massage. These are all chances to interact with other mums and get advice on your most nagging issues.
Get Out to the Park
Take your newborn for a trip out to the park. As he or she gets older, allow playtime on the jungle gym or climbing frame, where other children are playing. You will soon find that you make friends with the other children’s mums who are doing the exact same thing!
Arrange for a Babysitter
Hire a babysitter so you can get out of the house every now and then. If you’re not quite ready to leave your child with a stranger yet, talk to family members so you can get out with your friends – you do deserve some ‘me’ time or ‘couple’ time. Once a month is a great way to start and then you can look at doing it more often.
Set a Day Aside Just for You
If you have a partner, set a day where he looks after your child and you get a day to yourself. This could be to go back to the gym to see your friends or just to go for coffee with a close family member. If you’re a single mum, find someone to look after your child for the day every now and then so you can get out. Make the day all about you, even if it’s just a trip to the spa for some pampering.
Join a Group
During your alone time, find a group that you can join. There may be arts and crafts in your area or a dance group. Do something fun that has other people around to help make new friends.
Take Your Baby to Swimming Classes
It’s never too early to get your baby into the water. In fact, the sooner, the better to get used to it. Take your baby to classes where there are other new mums so you can all socialise together.