Having to work is a part of everyday life when you are a man or a woman. Working can be stressful enough without your work or your coworkers making things worse. However, by following a few simple steps, your work environment will not be filled with unnecessary stress. It’s AllRead More →

As a child, I was always told to brush my teeth, eat my vegetables, and that an apple a day would keep the doctor away. My teeth are a polished white, I have a consistent diet of green, leafy veggies every day, but maybe I should have eaten more apples?Read More →

As a woman, you deserve to have a nice vacation with your best girlfriends. However, one dilemma you and your friends may face is where exactly a group of girls should go to have the best time. Here are the best places for women to go on vacation to haveRead More →

An exotic vacation doesn’t come knocking on the door every now and then. Hence when it does, you have to be ready and all geared up to make the most of it. An exotic vacation needs much more planning than a business trip or traveling to a cosmopolitan city. Thus,Read More →

Every shade of neon is oh so hot this season but it can be scary to wear something so bright. If you want that exciting pop of color without the overwhelming tacky factor, try throwing on some accessories in a bright shade instead of a whole outfit. It’s easy toRead More →

Sometimes I try to imagine what she would look like today at 55 years old. Would her smile be as bright? Would she keep up with the latest hair trends? Would she have wrinkles? Her unwavering grace, strength, passion, ability to speak her mind, to bring the estranged family together,Read More →

It seems like everything we like to do stains and yellows our teeth: smoking cigarettes, drinking coffee, wine, soda, or eating brightly colored fruits and or berries. For a big investment in time and money you could have your teeth whitened professionally by a dentist or you could use aRead More →