Working from home, or telecommuting, can be a joy. However, there are also several pitfalls that can induce a great amount of stress if they are not handled correctly. From helping your family understand your responsibilities to being self-motivated, there are a number of ways to cut stress at thisRead More →

Money is something that everyone wants and needs. At the same time, it’s something that a lot of people don’t understand. A lot of people, in fact, take money for granted—and if they don’t, it’s a matter of not understanding how to manage it. For women, especially, this balancing actRead More →

There is nothing as devastating as finding out that your man is cheating except perhaps, suspecting it but not being sure or able to prove it. Nothing like that combination for driving any perfectly sane and grounded female completely bonkers! Often confronting this issue will cause a row of disastrousRead More →

Every year millions of women are diagnosed with diabetes. A woman may have the signs of diabetes, but not even know it. If a woman has a history of diabetes in her family, she may need to know what the signs are of diabetes. Here are some common signs thatRead More →

When two people have been lovers for a long time, sometimes the spark that once lit up their bedroom can fade away. Though love is not a problem, the desire to be intimate with their partner is what some women are missing, and it makes things a little awkward inRead More →