Vacations and travel are a time of relation, exploration and rejuvenation. Sometimes when you are single, it is best to travel to an exotic island on your own. This may seem like a lonely and daunting adventure, but traveling solo allows you to really enjoy the destinations that you visitRead More →

There are plenty of old-fashioned money tips that are supposed to get you back on track financially. However, scrimping, saving and couponing don’t really lead to a glamorous or fulfilling lifestyle. In order to better understand how women should manage their funds; a wide ranging poll was done to seeRead More →

Being a boss over anyone can be difficult for some people. The woman that is supervising other people might be uncomfortable in a position of power, and the people working for her might also be a little uncertain having a woman for a boss. However, there are ways to beRead More →

Some women dream of having a family and becoming mothers. Typically, it can take a woman anywhere from six months to one year to conceive a child with her spouse. However, sometimes though it takes more than just having unprotected sex to conceive a child. As time goes on, theRead More →

Some women have a talent for cooking, and these women love to use herbs in whatever they cook. However, going to the store is one way to find herbs, but a typical market might not carry the herbs a woman loves to cook with. To make her life easier, aRead More →

Since gemstone jewelry can be set in variations of sterling silver jewelry and surrounded by diamonds, there are many different methods available to clean your gemstone jewelry chains and settings. However, it is important to use the most safe and effective ways to make your diamonds glitter and your gemstonesRead More →

One of the great things about vintage and vintage-inspired fashion is that you don’t need to change your entire wardrobe to wear the trend. We’ll show you how you can incorporate these six vintage-inspired pieces into any outfit! Peter Pan Collars Add a peter pan collar to any top orRead More →

Almost all working mothers struggle with a similar condition described as working moms guilt. This affects all working mothers in different ways and is not just designated for women that love their career. Most women battle with guilt related to leaving their children to work outside of the home. InRead More →