Every Christmas there is going to be something that kills the mood. It could be the grumpy relative, a bust up with a friend, or just the tiredness from the whole day. The good news is that you can deal with them and stop them from killing your Christmas spirit and putting a dampener on your day.
The Religion or Political Talk
People like to debate and politics or religion can seem like the way to go. However, this often leads to arguments and can cause problems for the holiday season. The last thing you want is to have an argument over why you celebrate Christmas over the dinner table. If someone starts to bring up either of these topics, suggest something else to talk about. Pick a light-hearted topic, like football or music. If they keep pushing their topic, talk to them in private about not mentioning it.
The Uninvited Guest
It may seem like the end of the world when a guest shows up without an invite. This is relatively one of the easiest mood killers to deal with; depending on the person, of course. The first thing to do is remember that there are always leftovers. There is going to be enough food! Pull up a chair for them. If they don’t get on with someone, you could suggest quietly that they find somewhere else, if you know they have somewhere. If not, keep the people who don’t get along on opposite sides of the table and keep the conversation—and alcohol—flowing.
Breaking Dishes or Spilling the Wine
There are always times that a dish breaks or someone spills something. They’re likely to be really apologetic about it, but don’t let it dampen the mood. Remember that it’s not the end of the world and laugh it off. Get ready for these situations by having brushes, cleaning products and anything you could possibly need to hand.
The Drunken Guest
Someone always drinks too much. This could work out good by the person falling asleep somewhere. However, it can also lead to arguments. It could be worth keeping the alcohol out of reach and just topping up the glasses at strategic points. If they still drink too much, offer to call a cab before something gets too out of hand.
There’s a Problem with the Food
You could run out or someone may not like it. There is always going to be something that’s not quite right but that doesn’t mean it needs to ruin the mood. To avoid running out of something, space the courses at 20 minute intervals, since it takes that long for food to digest. When it comes to someone not liking something, offer alternatives, like a sandwich.
The Issue of Entertainment
Trying to decide on entertainment can always be a problem. Some people love Christmas songs while others want to listen to normal music. There will be some who want to play board games and others want to watch TV. Have a selection of entertainment and do something that everyone enjoys to avoid entertainment issues