Keep similar sleeping time:
Babies and small children are often confused in unfamiliar surroundings and hence might have difficulty sleeping.
You want to make sure that you keep the routine as close to that at home as possible.
For example, bring the baby’s favourite bedtime story and try to get them to sleep at the same time as when they are at home.
Bring a baby sleeping bag or air mattress:
It is usually better to give the children their own space, while camping.
Having their own sleeping bag will keep them warm and snuggly and will allow them to have a better sleep, which by default means that you will have a better vacation.
Safety and First aid kit
Do not forget to bring a first aid kit and take the safety precautions needed for the entire party.
Bring bug repellants, sun screen, layers in case it is colder in the evening as well as a variety of foods and fruits that your toddler likes.
Diapers, wipes and potty
You can never have too many wipes or diapers, depending on which stage of potty training your child is at. It is wise to pick a campground that has proper bathrooms on sites when you are bringing children with you.
This will make disposing of diapers and other waste much easier even if your child is not physically using them.
It might be useful to bring along the plastic potty so it is available immediately, which helps reduce the chance of accidents.
Light and toys:
Try to bring some plastic toys, coloring books and other items that will keep your child entertained while on the trip.
Make sure you bring flashlights and other lighting instruments as it might get too dark and scary for the children.
Pick a more urban campsite:
While this might not be your favourite type of camping, it might be easier for camping with young children.
See if there are any sites in the vicinity that have showers, bathrooms or even in some cases playgrounds for children and go to those as this could facilitate the trip.
Stay within close proximity from home:
Try to keep your travel distance to a minimum, just in case your baby is acting up and is not feeling comfortable with the surroundings.
This is also useful in case of an injury or an emergency situation that might arise as you want to make sure you are as close as possible to a hospital or to your home if you need to leave early.