Spring is on the horizon, I can almost feel the pollen tickling my nose – I’m sure I’m not the only one who misses blue skies, green leafy trees and the emergence of the daffodils that signal the start of the season. But Spring is a strange one; some daysRead More →

It’s the end of the wedding and the honeymoon is over. It’s time to go home and go back to your normal lives. This is it now—and it can cause the post-wedding blues to hit you. You can prevent them from cropping up and causing a problem in your lives.Read More →

It may not feel it yet, but spring is almost here—just another month and a bit to go! It’s a milder season compared to winter, so you need to get your skin ready for it. Here are some tips to help you get started without softening it up too muchRead More →

Acne is a major problem for many women. It starts in the adolescent years, but can be an issue forever. It’s all due to the hormones and the oil production in the skin. The problem is doctors will prescribe expensive products to help handle it issue, but you may notRead More →

The credit crunch has hit most of us hard, which means we are trying to tighten our belts wherever we can. Gone are the days of frivolous spending, where we buy a ridiculous dress that will be worn once and then relegated to the back of the wardrobe, before beingRead More →

Are you struggling to get over that breakup? Do you pretend that everything is okay but deep down find yourself missing him? It could be that you’re still in love with your ex. Even if you’re not in love, you may have feelings for him that make you think aboutRead More →

If your hair is quite fine, you’ll find that controlling the wispy bits can be quite hard. If it’s thick, you may have issues with frizz now and then. Both problems are annoying, but they can both be controlled through the same methods. Here are some tips to handle yourRead More →