Do you have terribly dry skin? It’s an annoying condition and makes you look and feel awful. However, did you know that it is a relatively easy condition to treat? With just some TLC, you could have your skin back to feeling silky smooth in days. Here are some tipsRead More →

The body naturally sheds hair over time. You’ll find that every day a few hairs drop out, but they usually grow back. However, as you get older, it is harder for the hair to grow back and it can lead to thinning and even female baldness. Here are some tipsRead More →

You see anti-aging adverts all the time. There’s always some new lotion, cream or miracle product—some company wanting you to spend money. They make you believe that their product is the best and a must-have, only for you to find out that it doesn’t really work. There are some beautyRead More →

In winter, many people tend to forget the harmful effects of solar radiation. It’s especially dangerous for winter sports enthusiasts, who spend pretty much time outside in the snow. Not only your skin, but your eyes deserve special attention in the winter sunshine as well. Wear sunglasses on a regularRead More →

There is plenty of information out there that can tell you what you should be doing for your skin, hair and nails but not a lot of information about what not to do. There are some things that the media would have you believe is a great way to handleRead More →

Saving money has taken on a whole new meaning with this “improving” economy. Having a few tricks in your makeup bag that can do double duty and safe you some cash and still have you red carpet ready. There are a few tricks that the pro’s use that you canRead More →