Weight loss is on the mind for many. Even with Christmas around the corner, women want to be at a weight that they’re comfortable with. The problem is the hurdles that happen along the way. It could be life just getting busy with no time to think of anything else,Read More →

Every Christmas there is going to be something that kills the mood. It could be the grumpy relative, a bust up with a friend, or just the tiredness from the whole day. The good news is that you can deal with them and stop them from killing your Christmas spiritRead More →

Wouldn’t you love to be warm and snug during the holiday season? Energy bills are at an all time high and that can seem impossible. However, it’s not. With a few simple tricks, you could have a warm home without spending an absolute fortune. Not just that; you could alsoRead More →

With Christmas just around the corner, it’s time to think about your decorations. There are so many ideas that you could opt for, whether you want something for the outside or you want to keep it simple this year. Worried about spending too much on them? There are some greatRead More →

As mothers soon realize your babies grow up. As they grow up you remember all the different times in their lives. A memorable time is when they are babies. As a baby they are dependent on their parents for so much. This is an important time, not only in theirRead More →

The holidays are almost upon us. It’s time for the turkey and all the trimmings, the presents and getting the house ready for the relatives. It’s a hectic time of year, especially for Americans who have Thanksgiving and Christmas within a month of each other. The good news is youRead More →

If you’re going away somewhere this Christmas or planning for next summer, you may think about renting a cottage, villa or holiday home. There are many benefits to this but you could run into some problems. The trick is to plan ahead, do your research and follow these tips. OnlyRead More →

Did you ever notice when you are talking about a women’s virtues we talk about how organized she is or how well she does something? When we talk about the virtues of a man we talk about all the negatives things that he does NOT do!Overheard conversations between girlfriends includeRead More →