Everyone wants to be like the model on the cover of the magazines; tall and skinny. However that is not what creation intended. Just imagine if everything was the same how boring the world would be. Obesity is a huge issue but not all full figured ladies are obese. GeneticsRead More →

The mood is affected by a number of different things. Some of these are physical while others are emotional. Knowing what affects your mood and how is a great way of improving your lifestyle. You will be able to counter the bad with the good very easily. Here are someRead More →

Menopause is a condition that every woman will face once she reaches a certain age. Also known as the change of life, some women have terrible menopausal symptoms that can make some days difficult. However, before a woman seeks hormonal therapy to help these symptoms, there are some natural menopauseRead More →

Depression affects more people than they’re willing to let on. Some don’t even get a diagnosis because it is still a taboo subject. If you do see a doctor, you may find pills and other medication thrown at you instead of actually helping you with the mental illness. You canRead More →

When you think of activity, you probably jump straight to the idea of long runs and tiring nights at the gym. It doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, you can burn an extra 300 calories a day without actually breaking a sweat. How? With these great tips. GetRead More →

As you get older, your body starts to deteriorate. It’s a natural part of aging that you may or may not be happy with. One part of the body that you can really work on avoiding deteriorating is your brain! With age, the memory can start to fade and problemsRead More →

Many women fear aging and it’s society’s fault. Getting older should be something to celebrate since you get wiser and more mature with your years! However, it isn’t and you may be looking for ways to avoid that dreaded aging process and these tips can help. Have a Healthy DietRead More →