Whether you have the occasional headache or you suffer from chronic pain, you’re more likely to be advised to take pain medication. If your pain is severe, you could have some of the more effective pain relief prescribed to you. Not everyone wants to take these medications and there’s stillRead More →

Women have special work out needs. We need to focus on particular zones when we are exercising. One of the best way to offset aging is through core strengthening exercises. Core strengthening exercises can help with balance and keep achy backs at bay! There are a few low impact typeRead More →

Do you hate feeling like you’re always on the go? It may seem like you never get the chance to actually relax and look after yourself. You need that time to give your body some time off. Here are some great ways to relax throughout the day, whether you’re atRead More →

It’s 3pm and you know by the slump your body is feeling. You’re lethargic and can’t face the idea of two more hours of work. If you’re a stay at home mum, you’re focusing on the next few hours until your partner gets home or when the kids will beRead More →

Would you like a day where you can relax and not thing about anything? If only that was possible, right? Well, it should be. When you get a day off, forget about anything else that needs doing and spend at least half of it for yourself. Here are some greatRead More →

Do you feel like you forget everything? How many times have you walked into a room and completely forgotten what you went in for? Short term memory loss can be a problem but eventually your long term memory is affected. You can improve both types of memory with these simpleRead More →