Telling white lies to your doctor won’t harm your health, will they? Well, the truth is they might. You may think downplaying your drinking habits makes you look good but it can lead to the wrong diagnoses and the wrong treatment. Here are some things you need to tell yourRead More →

Any acne is annoying but hormonal acne can happen at any time. It’s more likely to affect women, as our hormones are constantly changing throughout the month. You can deal with it though and prevent it from getting worse. Here are some tips. Get the Right Diet Your hormones areRead More →

Your bones are important. Without them, your muscles have nothing to hold onto and no real use. Osteoporosis is a major factor in women as they age, which is when the bones weaken. It can lead to many problems, including regular breaks and mobility problems. However, it doesn’t have toRead More →

It is one of the most joyful feelings in the world when you find out that you are pregnant. There are a lot of changes that your body will go through between conception until birth, and some of them may not be a ride in the park. However, it isRead More →

Whether you want to make changes for your own health or you have made it a goal to do something, you need to do it right. Making changes too quickly will make you reject them and it will not help your lifestyle. Here are some tips to make changes toRead More →

Are you lazy? You may not think so at first but think about your life really. This isn’t about whether you’d rather sit and watch TV than go for a run—most people prefer the form—it’s about your actions. Do you do what you prefer? If you do it often, youRead More →

Women can experience pain for any number of reasons including their day-to-day activities, their job, or just doing too much in one day. However, some women are not fond of taking pills in order to relieve their pain. Here are some natural ways to take away pain that do asRead More →