Children tend to think that money grows on trees. They think that it is always around and everything is available to them. If you encourage this by buying them everything they want, it causes problems in the future with them getting into debt and struggling with their finances. The bestRead More →

Often times men have their domain. This might be in the form of a den or a room where they have all of their toys. These toys can include a big screen TVs, sports memorabilia, hunting gear, etc… These male domains are normally hands off to the women, but whereRead More →

You may have heard that the cost of living is on the rise. The problem is that wages are following suit. If you have been stuck at the same pay level, you may want to think about asking for it to rise. This doesn’t guarantee you something but at leastRead More →

Working from home is a great opportunity for women, especially new mums. You get the chance to bring in money while looking after the household at the same time – and there’s no need to pay extra for childcare. The problem is that a home business takes time and youRead More →